Upcoming events.

Movie Night Social!
We are having a movie night on Thursday, October 12th at 7:00 PM in Silliflicks! We will be watching The Imitation Game and enjoying some pizza and popcorn.

Coaching Training Session
Mandatory Coaching Training Session for ALL COACHES (new and returning). Insomnia Cookies will be provided!
For those who cannot make it, find the link to the presentation here.
WLH 207

Coaching Applications Due!
Coaching Applications are due for Fall 2023.
Apply here: https://forms.gle/4kyktz5KJfcnmNjeA

Coaching Interviews
Time for Coaching Interviews for Fall 2023. Sign-ups in Application. Previous year coaches do not need to interview again.

Extracurricular Bazaar
Come meet Yale MathCounts Outreach at the Extracurricular Bazaar in Commons & Schwartzman Center!
(A fine selection of chocolates will be provided for free!)
Don’t forget to sign up for our mailing list: https://forms.gle/YhTLCh7uAXxgbGJP9